In our country, Venezuela, the decree of the COVID-19 social quarantine product has just been published in the Official Gazette. This is an alarm to the population, however, the public is confident that staying home would be an immediate solution so that this virus does not continue to spread. People support each other a lot, they support each other. This moment is crucial to show love to others.
In the Scriptures we are commanded to be in solidarity with one another.
Galatians 6: 9-10 King James Version (KJV1960)
9 Let us not tire of doing good; because in due course we will reap, if we do not lose heart. 10 So, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to all, and especially to those of the family of faith.
The brothers of the Galatian church were exhorted to do good with all citizens, especially with the brothers in Christ.
At this time in the country, I see very kind people who contribute donations and give mouth caps and other important health materials to combat the spread of COVID-19.
Although the political and economic situation in my country is quite critical, the crisis in the health sector is now joining. However, the Venezuelan is very supportive. The Lord's Church is very active at this time, helping within the possibilities, respecting the social quarantine decreed by the Venezuelan State.
This is the time for global solidarity, it is the time to do good, not only because there is an outbreak of disease in the world, but because it is the great opportunity that the Lord's church has to put into practice what God commands in his word. , "Let's not get tired of doing good".
If you have the opportunity to "support others" in this world situation, do it without interest, because the one who helps those in need, lends it to God, and God returns with great interests.
Welcome to Hive!
Best wishes and bless you.
Amen brother. Many blessings to you and your team. Hive, the wonderful blockchain of the future. It has started successfully. Blessings