Let us ask God with prayer, He is always there to listen to us willing to listen to us and help us in whatever we ask.
The important thing is to talk to God believing that he is listening to us, although we do not see him he is there by our side as a Father waiting for us to surrender and take everything out of our being and let off steam with Him. And God will give us the relief we want to have Of course the psalmist David said free me from this anguish. You are my light and my salvation.
David his psalms was always giving glory praise to God for freedom and salvation the forgiveness that has given the world his protection. And that God wants us to be like David to talk with that we have that confidence to talk and talk about the least.
David never took his eyes off God, before all that David was going to face the first one was entrusted to God and declared that victory was already given because God was with him.
when it was time to praise and dance to God David enjoyed it, he gave everything to worship God.
Our way of arriving before God must be so with confidence, knowing that at all times we can count on God. This psalm says that we all know him.
Psalm 23 Jehovah is my shepherd and nothing I will miss in places of delicate pastures will make me rest, beside the waters of rest I will shepherd me, I will conform my soul, guide me on paths of justice for the sake of his name. Even though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, because you will be with me, your face and your staff will breathe my breath. Dressed table in front of me in the presence of my distressers, you anoint my head with oil, my cup is checking. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me every day of my life, and in the house of Jehovah I will look for long days.