He preaches at all times and out of time the good news is to make it known throughout the world is a job as children of God talk about it. "Give grace what you received from grace" just as we were saved by grace is a gift of love from the Father to the world so we also have to give this gift to all those who need it, speaking of the good news.

JESUS sends us in a verse and says: Therefore, go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to keep all the things that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you every day, until the end of the world. Amen ”(Matthew 28: 18-20).
Jesus will always be with us that promises us. So while we are on earth we fulfill what Jesus has commanded us, making known that we live in the love of God and let Jesus live in our hearts and that through that we can obtain peace, patience, strength, love, trust, and that we can do everything in Christ that strengthens us. It is a blessing a huge gift to be able to live in Christ and only for Him.

It is a gift that Jesus gave us through blood and sacrifice to break and end illness, poverty, pain, evil and when we give ourselves the opportunity for Jesus to enter our lives, it is the best we can afford for ourselves. .
All this and much more we can have eternal life we only have it in God, and I assure you that God is waiting for you with open arms to come to his presence because he loves us.
When we speak of the good news of salvation to the world it is a redemption for everyone who accepts Jesus in his heart and confesses it. So let us know the good news for the world and that more brothers may arrive at the feet of Jesus leave us that sown seed God is responsible for making it germinate in due course.
Recall that harvest is many but few governments. Let's do the work that Jesus sent us.