in HeartChurch5 years ago


Whenever you feel spiritually faint and you find it harder to abide by the promises of God, this is clearly an indication that your faith is starving for food and desperately needs to be fed. Just as we need food as men to survive, faith must be strong and active in the word of God.

The only seed that could restore and sustain faith in a human being's heart is the Word of God. In order that your faith may grow and remain active, you must continually feed your heart with God's Word. The word of God is the only stimulator that can sustain the trust of a man.

Hungering long for the word will lead to the death of faith in your life. This is one of the reasons that we are always warned to make everyday study of the Word of God. The more we do so, the more our faith comes alive and our eyes get open to see who we are really in Christ.

Let us make our daily routine study of the Word of God, for that alone will keep our faith alive.