Nehemiah was among the Jewish exile living in the Persian capital of Susa. The Hebrew name 'Nehemya' means Yahweh comforts or Yahweh as comforted. Nehemiah was a cup bearer to King Artaxerxes 1 of Persia, as the king cup bearer, he must guard against poison in the Kings cup and we such must first of all have a taste of the wine before serving the king. Based on this, Nehemiah had confidential relations with the king which often gave him a position of great influence. Despite this, he still remembered the God of his father's and ever carried away with foreign teaching/religions.
The prayer of Nehemiah
The man Nehemiah despite the comfort life he loved still has his people(the people of God in Jerusalem) in mind. He was interested in the welfare and wellbeing. When the news he heard about then and the wall of Jerusalem was not palatable, he embarked on self spiritual retreat by fasting and prayer (Neh 4 vs 1ff). If Nehemiah can affect his generation positively despite his high position, what are you doing to promote to work of God in the church and the society generally? Think about this!
Lesson to learn from Nehemiah
*The fear of God is necessary for compassion
Nehemiah feared the Lord God and he did not abuse his authority. He rather commanded that debts be cancelled and lands be refunded so that people may have food
*Anybody can serve God well
If Nehemiah the cup bearer could serve God in such great capacity. Who are we to think that only preachers/ministers of the word can serve Him? Whatever gift or things we have can be used for God's glory as long it is used according to His will and ways Neh 1 vs 1ff, 2 vs 1ff, 3 vs 1ff
*Earthly positions should be used for God's glory
Nehemiah was a governor who used his position and authority to bring God's people who were initially far away from Him back to Him Neh 1 vs 5
*Passion for God's work/project
Despite all odds, he motivated the people of God to build and guard then against enemies of progress. He was willing to work for God. He work hard and remain selfless Neh 5 vs 14. He was appointed as the governor of Judah even before the wall was rebuilt. He accepted the offer/appointment humbly, refusing special treatment and willingly sacrificing for the good of people
*Having an unswerving confidence in God
Nehemiah journal was filled with prayers. He never failed to remind the people of the Lord's protection. He was disciplined also to finish the job. Good leaders are finishers. 'if thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small' Prob. 24 vs 10
In conclusion
Nehemiah is human that lived a perfect life even in a strange land. Earthly position should not be used to sin or molest the less privilege begins, but rather be used to affect life according to the will of God. Nehemiah built the falling walls of Jerusalem. God wants to count on you too to build the falling Christians and unbelievers around you. Be a builder, not a destroyer. Until I get to share with you another interesting topic, until I come your way next time.
Thank you for taking your time to read this post, I pray the Lord will honor you, appreciation to @sirmiraculous for his support, a big thank you sir, shout out to @dwyane16 @mustard. Thanks, remain blessed
Good morning everyone, I hope we slept well, if so all thanks to God almighty, you know it is for his grace that sees us through this pandemic he protected us all, all the glory belongs to him. Today, I welcome you all to my blog, as I share with you an interesting topic titled THE LIFE OF NEHEMIAH THE CUP BEARER,and some lessons we learn from him, but before I proceed, I will like to appreciate the leaders and the parishioners of this great blockchain @heartchurch under the influence of our leader @sirknight, I pray the almighty God bless you in Jesus name. Enjoy and get blessed as you read.