in HeartChurch5 years ago

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Whats is kingdom service.

It is serving God and the interest of His kingdom in his lifestyle. It's divided into two...

  1. Physical service
  2. Spiritual service.


Facts about service

  1. It is a proof of submission
  2. It is a proof of dedication and commitment
  3. It is a proof of value (mthw 4 vs 10)
  4. It is a proof of perfection and proof of love

What service is all about

  1. It is meeting the need or filling the gaps
  2. It is the offering of help
  3. It is the making of a difference the additional value
  4. It is running of errands


Qualifications of service.

  1. Act of humility
  2. The passion to make a difference
  3. Genuine love and affection for God

Profits of the kingdom service

  1. It attract supernatural supplies
  2. It attracts longativity
  3. It brings a dressing of honor and dignity
  4. It attracts the annoiting of God

Keys to effective service

  1. Asking God to show us our area of service
  2. Look inwards to yourself to discover your potential
  3. Serve God in HIS fear
  4. Serve heartedly
Good morning everyone, I'm blessed to be back into this wonderful platform @heartchurch once again, trust you are doing well. I'm using this medium to welcome you all to my blog today, Today, I will like us to look at a topic titled KINGDOM SERVICE, stay blessed as you read