My Church GKPS Batu Aji

in HeartChurch3 months ago

I am Lijan, 41 years old, and I always have a desire to serve God in His church. The church is not the building but the church is His people. After 15 years I was active in serving at the GKPS Batu Aji church in Batam City as a sound system technician at the GKPS Batu Aji church in Batam Island, Riau Islands Province, Indonesia, I was appointed as a syntax for God's servant, even though my work outside the island did not hinder my ministry at the Lord's church, the GKPS congregation. Batu Aji until now, even though the struggles of life have not stopped, but with God's participation I have always been renewed by faith with motivation, the spirit of serving God that God is the Source of everything in the world of this mortal world. Even though the church building is still temporary and occupies someone else's land because it has not received land or land that is legal and governmental, I always diligently serve God in the congregation. In the struggle of the construction committee in trying to obtain land and building a proper church building to legally praise and glorify God is still far from expectations. Likewise, every servant of God in His church is still trying to date to get donateurs and has prepared permit documents for approval by the government. Let hiver friends pray and help as much as possible. Praise God Hallelujah.
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