Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose trust the Lord is. Jeremiah 17: 7 King James Version (KJV)
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If we want to be free and be ourselves, we must have confidence. It is not confidence in ourselves that we seek, but confidence in Christ.
There is a translation of Philippians that says, "I am sufficient in the sufficiency of Christ." It is truly a sin to have confidence in ourselves, but having confidence in Christ should be the goal of every believer.
Jesus said, "Apart from me, you can do nothing" (John 15: 5).
It seems like it takes us forever to learn this truth. We keep trying to do things on the strength of our own flesh, instead of putting all our trust in Him.
Most of our inner agony, our struggles and frustrations, come from trust in the wrong place. In Philippians 3: 3, Paul says that we are not to put our trust in the flesh. This means in ourselves or in our friends or family. I am not saying that we cannot trust anyone, but that when we place the trust that only belongs to God in ourselves or in other people, we will not experience victory.
God will not allow us to be successful until our trust is placed in the right place, or rather, in the right person. He is willing to give us the victory, but He must receive the glory that He deserves.
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