IMAGE SOURCE: i0.wp.com
Activities shape our thinking. No matter how you think about a particular thing, you will really never ascertain how it will go, until you set out to put action in your thinking. Many think big; but they remain small because they never get to act big. God seeks to lead us step by step. One very good highlight in the prayer Jesus taught His disciples is – “Give us this day our daily bread”. He seeks to lead us day by day because He wants us to learn to trust Him for grace each day. So it is with our thinking; get to do something based on your thinking and see how it goes. The result today determines your next line of thoughts. Don’t just sit back building castles in the air, it will take you nowhere.
You may have a message in your spirit you are pondering on. To you, it may look like a message you can preach for one hour, get to preach it and see how it goes. What you think is going to take one hour, may end up taking ten minutes; which means, if you must preach for one hour, you’ve got to do some more “thinking”. It is all part of the shapening of our thoughts. You will never be able to fully comprehend the extent of any thought until you put it to work. The four lepers who sat at the gate of Samaria reached a decision borne out of good thinking, to advance towards the host of Syrians who had besieged Samaria. It was only after they got into the camp of the Syrians that they understood the far reaching effect of a single step taken in line with purposeful thinking.
It is true that one thing leads to another. One thing done as a result of your thinking leads to another thing to be done and not just another thing to think. Many are afraid to take steps because they are afraid to fail. They are hunted by the thought of “What if it doesn’t work?” you cannot prove the thought until you out it into work. You may really not be able to get it at once; in a multitude of purposeful spirited activities, thoughts take shape.