IMAGE SOURCE: cdn.shopify.com
There are those who subject the instructions of God for their lives to all manner of undue considerations and they end up falling short of the glory earmarked for their lives by God. Many seek to make sense out of every Word they receive from God. Many seek to make sense out of every Word they receive from God; and once they are not able to put it together logically, they tend to play down on their God given instructions. The eternal truth about the instructions God gives, is that you may really never be able to tie the together with your finite mind and limited understanding; but right in every instruction the Lord gives, lies the power for unquantifiable results and breakthroughs. Those who seek to analyze divine instructions before acting on them, never go far with God. God’s heart is after those that are swift in obeying His Word.
When the twelve men Moses sent to the land of Canaan returned from spying the land; with the awful report brought by ten of them, the heart of the people sank within them and they sought to return to Egypt. While fear gripped their hearts, Caleb stilled the people and told them to get set to go at once to possess the land of Canaan as promised by the Lord.

IMAGE SOURCE: www.idlehearts.com
The secret of profiting by the Word of God is getting up at once to obey it. Anytime you seek to give it a second thought, you are likely not going to obey; because, there is reluctance when you seek to think it over. All you need to know is that God has spoken. You can’t go wrong, seeking to act on what God has spoken. “Mark the perfect man, consider the upright, the end of that man is peace” Psalm 37:37.
It is a mark of perfection when you set out at once to obey God’s Word, simply because it is God’s Word and you can’t be wrong staying inclined to it. To all such; the Bible guarantees that they shall have peaceable results embrace on all sides. When Abraham was instructed by God to go and offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice unto Him; he went up at once. He refused to make it an item for discussion with his wife. In the swiftness of his obedience, came the blessing beyond comprehension. Your swiftness towards God’s Word informs His swift response to your cry.