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There is a Word from God for you today, if you will care to listen.
“God, Who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers, by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, Whom He hath appointed Heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds” Hebrews 1:1-2.
What a joy that the God Who spoke in time past is still speaking today. He never stops speaking. He speaks to uphold because He upholds all things by the Word of His power. He speaks for the preservation of His goodness in our lives. Jesus proclaimed in John 15:11 – “These things have I spoken unto you…that your joy might be full”. If you are able to contain His Word, you will be able to retain His works. He speaks to sanctify. The Bible says in John 17:17 – “Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word is truth”. If you will learn to stay entrapped by the Word of God, you will live a sanctified life.
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There is virtually no aspect of living that is not covered by the Word of God. God has a Word for every situation because He is the God beautiful for all situations; He is the God of the whole earth (Psalm 48:2). He has a Word for you today; it is a Word for your situation. Are you ready to hear His voice? Are you willing to receive His Word? This is where the issue lies. It is not in the availability of the Word, but in your ability to yield to the Word being spoken. The Word is being spoken, but you will need to apply yourself to it so that it can be real in your experiences.
The Word for today does not exempt you from the demands of the Word for yesterday. Every Word you receive from God places a demand on your life. If you think you’ve escaped from the demands placed on you previously and you seek the Word today at the expense of the demands of a previous Word, you will be dazed; because the Word for today is encompassing. It carries along with it the demands of the previous Word.
No Word returns unto God void and no one gets rolled under the carpet. He appeared to Jacob while he was with Laban and introduced Himself as the God of Bethel; invariably, the Word He spoke to him in Bethel stands and adds to the one for today. God’s Word does not expire. Do you have “arrears” of its demands hanging around you? Apply yourself accordingly so you can soar light with the Word for today.