Hi @HeartChurch Community!
God bless you!Brothers and friends, I wish that you are enjoying good health due to the contingency we are going through, #stayathome. You know it is hard work and it takes many hours of work to bring quality content to Hive and @HeartChurch community. I hope this Bible study will be a blessing😃📖
If you have followed these posts, we have been studying the book of Santiago and have found great teachings and ways in which we can apply what we have learned. So far from chapter 1, we have seen that there are different tests for the believer, it seems that the Epistle of James is like a school of tests and difficulties in the life of believers.
This school has a purpose, and God wants to lead all those who belong to him to full maturity as Christians, and He has many trials to do so. He tests all His children to see if they are genuine or not, to eliminate those who are false, that is, they are only believers in appearance, this is strong without a doubt, but the one who is truly His Son will pass the test, and you will pass it easily. God also wants to provide security and assurance for His children. We should not view our trials and difficulties as evidence that we are not His children, but rather as positive proof of our faith. We have already learned about some of those tests ...
Are we strong enough to pass the test? Are we strong enough to emerge victorious from temptation?
Photo Credit: Holy Bible App
I) The happiness of the man who endures the test
A) The happiness of the man
We have heard before about the beatitudes, we will be guided by the following definition:
It means: (1) the joys of heaven or (2) a declaration of blessing. The beatitudes are frequent in the OT (eg Ps. 32: 1-2, Ps. 41: 1, Ps. 65: 4). The Gospels contain isolated beatitudes of Christ (Mt 11: 6), (Mt 13:16), (Mt 16:17), (Mt 24:46). But the word is most commonly used in the statements in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5: 3-11); compare (Lk 6: 20-22). The Beatitudes do not describe separate types of Christian character, but manifest qualities and experiences that are combined with an ideal character (Douglas Tenney).
The word "blessed" can be used in at least three ways, as a noun, as a verb, and as an adjective. The latter is how the word "blessed" is used in our study passage, and in this case, it is related to a beatitude that is the result of enduring certain tests: the tests of temptation.
Photo Credit: Jusdevoyage
B) The support of man
... is the man that endures trial
The first thing that comes to mind when we hear the word “temptation” is that it is a test against our own flesh and that this perhaps proves that it comes from the enemy to such a degree that it is completely blamed.
Now, in previous lessons we talked about tests that come from God to test the faith of His Children (for example, having joy in the tests in v. 2), and we also mentioned that everything that is discussed in the epistle de Santiago is related.
In the original it says: "Fortunate is the man who is enduring put to the trials."
The original uses the word "trial," not "temptation," just as in the passage of joy in trials. Even so, these two words mean the same thing in this case (it can be confirmed in the OG in the words "test" and "temptation" of verses 2 and 12 of chapter 1 of James) and we have to find the positive side of this How? Knowing that God has a reward for those who stand the test and come out victorious, we must think about this.
Photo Credit: Alexander Redl "temptation like a competition"
II) The reward of the man who endures the test
A) The condition for the reward
...for when he is tried
There are many types of trials, but we have to understand that not all are of the same magnitude, especially when it comes to tragic evidence or great misfortunes. It is not the same that someone is fired from a job (knowing that now you have the work experience to get another) than that another person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and only has a few months left to live.
It is not the same to spend the quarantine (COVID-19) in a decent home, with resources and with enough food, to spend it in a very poor home, with few resources and even going hungry for a few days so that the food is enough for what the contingency lasts. Whatever our situation, we must endure the test to achieve the reward.
Now, tests can produce negative feelings in human beings that also seem to have degrees of magnitude, a test can make us sad, it can make us angry, but it can also produce frustration, pessimism or despair, and if one does not have Christ in his heart it can even lead to the desire to end his own life, suicide. How many celebrities and people who appear to be happy end their own lives?
Photo Credit: Markus Spiske
The numbers don't lie: More than 800,000 people commit suicide each year, representing one death every 40 seconds. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the age group 15-29 years (WHO, 2020).
Let's pay attention to the following data: 75% of suicides in the world occur in low and middle income countries, when an unconverted person does not find meaning in her life, when she does not know what her purpose is on earth, when she sinks. In the waves of adversity, and in addition to this, life is not going well for them, they look for a "way out" to their problems, a supposed "solution" and then they decide to commit suicide. But this also happens on the other side! Because even having wealth, fame, money, property, etc. There are people who in this condition decide to end their lives.
This should NOT be our case as Children of God, as the end of Psalm 30, verse 5 says: “… At night the crying will last, And in the morning joy will come” Even in adversity, even in the most difficult situations the Son of God knows that IT IS NOT THE END. That is why we have to endure the test and always set our eyes on Christ, on the Eternal.
Photo Credit: Eva Blue
B) The reward
... he shall receive the crown of life,
This is the reward that we will receive if we pass the test, the crown of life. What is the crown of life? In the Bible several rewards are mentioned for the believer, for example, in Revelation 2:17 a white stone is mentioned that bears the name of each one, in this case it is expressed for the church of Pergamos. Another example is the one we are dealing with here, the crown of life.
It is presented as an emblem of life, of joy, of reward, and of glory depending on the passage where it is mentioned, it is like a label of royalty, award or symbol of honor; but more conspicuous and elaborate than a simple crown(Vine)
Photo Credit: Markus Spiske
1) The characteristics of the reward
a) It is God's promise
... which the Lord has promised
Thinking of something like the crown of life is something very beautiful, some theologians think that this crown is about having a degree of life in heaven that other people will not be able to have. This gives us a great lesson: God gives additional prizes to Salvation if we decide to make an effort and in this case, resisting the test, after all He has promised.
b) It is for those who love God
...to them that love him.
The promise mentioned above is for those who really love him. What is the most sincere act of love towards our God? Obedience How can we obey Him? resisting the test that we have before us today.
Photo Credit: Emmanuel Phaeton
may the Lord see your effort and your struggle, and He will help us achieve victory, together with it, it will reward us. I loved your post. Thanks for sharing.Wise words, @juanbg:
Thanks for your words @iselian Blessings😊
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