The God Is In Us

in HeartChurch4 years ago


Hello parishioners, peace be with you all today am here once again to share with you the word of God. Things happen and do that at it right time and when the times are hard where do we normally go.


As humans as we will be we have defects and blemishes and here and there we let these blemishes and imperfections control us to such an extent that we can't work as we should, or do the things we have to do. Truly it is hard to picture how much things would have been such a great amount of simpler for you on the off chance that you were so articulate, or in the event that you were increasingly lovely, or maybe progressively splendid, progressively relatable and so on. In any case, the good book refrain today is asking that I advise you that you are a production of God and in your creation, he said you are great. Remember that you were made in his picture and similarity and that God has an explanation and a reason for your life, what is left is for you to see it, connect and display your maximum capacity.

At the point when The Lord was sending Moses, he dreaded he was not smooth enough and but rather then he finished him and gave him a spoke individual, the individual who was reluctant to regard to God's ring finished as the friend in need of Israel since he benefited himself even in his condition of the defect and the Lord made him great. Brethren, the Lord is one in particular who can genuinely finish us, and he is the person who can turn circumstances around. He makes the structure square which the manufacturers dismiss the foundation. Have confidence in him and he will lift up you.

Exodus 4:11-12; And the Lord said to him, who has made man's mouth? Or who makes the dumb or the deaf or the seeing or the blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now therefore go and I will be with your mouth and will teach you what you shall say.