The surgical mask // New challenge: ”Covid-19”

in HeartChurch5 years ago

The surgical mask is known as a mouth cap. It is a type of self-filtering mask or mask that partially covers the face. It is mainly used by medical personnel.

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It is currently one of the main preventive measures for the spread of the "Coronavirus".
The WHO considers it an acceptable measure and it was well received and implemented in many countries, since it helps people not to be exposed to this virus as much as in the case of H1N1.
It seems incredible, but just taking this recommended measure could save many lives.
But it should be noted that the use of the mask is something very simple, and yet there are still silly controversies about its use, it is easy to buy, it can be done at home with the recycling materials we have on hand.
We are left to be listeners, doers and learn to take advice, so don't go out without wearing your mask and please wear it properly as directed.
Take care of yourself and others, wear this mask correctly.

Currently, taking advantage of the days of social collective quarantine, I have dedicated myself to designing and creating a set of face masks with the intention of giving gifts to my family members and community neighbors. Everything in order to avoid the contagion and spread of "Covid-19". Blessings for all.

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Gran iniciativa @mamidalia, siempre es bueno ayudar a nuestro prójimo !!

Gracias por compartir

Gracias apóstol @darlenys01 por esas palabras de aliento. Bendiciones

Amén debemos cuidarnos y ayudar a otros dentro de nuestras fortalezas que el mismo Dios nos ha otorgado. !