Titus is a living example of God's grace, being a redeemed Gentile, he experiences intimate fellowship with God, and served the Lord willingly and selflessly in places where he was not even recognized.
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From the moment of Titus' conversion between him and the Apostle Paul, a deep love and mutual respect grew, forming a bond that lasted their entire lives.
The connection between Titus and Paul was so strong that Paul referred to Titus as his "true son in common faith" (Titus 1: 4)
The apostle Paul saw in Titus an unusual and refreshing quality, Titus was so honest and trustworthy that no one was surprised that Paul described him as my companion and co-worker (2 Corinthians 8:28).
Titus traveled with Paul to places like Corinth, Antioch, and Jerusalem.
Titus faced one of the most difficult tasks as a young pastor, putting the church in order in Greta, this church was in disarray and under a strong influence of immorality, which was characteristic of the culture.