1 Samuel 16: 7 And the Lord said to Samuel, Do not look at his appearance, nor at the greatness of his stature, for I will reject him; for Jehovah does not look at what man looks at; for man looks at what is before his eyes, but the Lord looks at the heart.
We have to live according to God's commandments, because he wants no harm for any of us! His word says that his commandments are right and rejoice the heart (Psalm 19: 8).

We the children of God have the task of following those commandments, treasure them and put them into practice, because they will help us to grow spiritually and secularly, let us remember that everything we must know will be revealed to us in due time, but in the meantime we have the word of God to guide us, because it will direct us to all truth and all justice.

God looks at us, examines us and scrutinizes us, he knows when we fulfill his commandments and when we don't, that is why we must be careful and fear God, if we follow everything with order and reverence we will obtain blessings from the Father Heavenly.