
Luke 15: 1-7 King James Version (KJV 1995)
1 All the tax collectors and sinners came to Jesus to listen to him, 2 and the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, "Receive sinners and eat with them." 3 Then he told them this parable, saying: 4 “What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and one of them is lost, does he not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one? until you found it? 5 When he finds it, he happily puts it on his shoulders, 6 and when he gets home he gathers his friends and neighbors and says: "Rejoice with me, because I have found my lost sheep." 7 I tell you that in this way there will be more joy in heaven for a sinner who repents than for the ninety-nine righteous who do not need repentance.
When we read the parable of the lost sheep, we immediately identify with ourselves. The desert represents that world of loneliness and darkness in which we sink into our crimes and sins.
Jesus, as a good shepherd, left the 99 sheep that did not need attention or help at that time, and went out to look for the lost. He left all the comforts of his eternal kingdom in heaven to come to the desert of humanity and bring the necessary help from the heavenly Father to reconcile the lost sheep through the blood of Christ.
One day Jesus found you and me, who were lost, and placed us on his shoulder and took us to the feet of the Father, and made us sheep of his fold.
It is beautiful to know that what was lost in the Garden of Eden because of sin, Christ, as a good shepherd, has rescued us to take us back to the original fold of God.
This is why when a sinner repents, God throws a feast in heaven, because a lost sheep that Christ has brought into his fold.
Dear brothers, we must do the work together with Christ, we must preach to the lost sheep in the world to return to the heavenly fold.