Therefore, in him our hearts will rejoice,
Because in his holy name we have trusted.
Psalms 33:21 New King James Version (NKJV)
A special key when hurricane force winds come into our lives, it is best to rejoice in the Lord and hope confidently in Him.
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As a single mother with three children, I have had to bear this stormy humanitarian crisis that the entire planet is experiencing. Without work and without daily sustenance, I have learned that my trust in God has helped me to remain joyful in the midst of the critical situation that I live personally and my country also lives.
With all these calamities my lips only open to thank God and sing with joy to the God of my salvation. Every day I see the hand of God providing for my house, I see the hand of God through a neighbor or a friend, who comes to me and gives me some food for the sustenance of the day. With all this, I have learned to rejoice in the Lord in the midst of storms and to sing for His many mercies.

Yes,it is right to always thank God in every situation we found ourselves...Through this God will always send a helper to us.