Genesis 2: 5-6
And there was not yet a bush of the field in the ground, nor had any plant yet sprouted from the field, because the LORD God had not sent rain on the ground, nor was there a man to till the ground. But a steam rose from the earth and watered the entire surface of the ground.
God is a specialist in details and this verse tells us that God had not yet defined the earth or had a plant because he had not sent rain or there was still no man, however he had already determined a steam to water the surface of the soil, which shows us that God has absolute control of the entire universe and despite the fog God continues to pour out his glory.
Hebrews 1: 3
He is the radiance of his glory and the exact expression of his nature, and sustains all things by the word of his power. After carrying out the purification of sins, he sat at the right hand of the Majesty on high
(New American Standard)
Christ is superior to the angels because He is the eternal son of God and the glorified and exalted man and if our gaze is on Jesus, we will see his hand in everything since He is the one who sustains all things in this universe by the word of his power and our lord is seated at the right hand of the father and from there intercedes for all of us.
No matter how much fog there may be in our way or our environment, the important thing is that if we trust Him we will surely look at his glory because our God is expert in pouring out his glory because only He is sovereign.
¡Don't look at the fog, look at God!
Let us worship the everlasting God everywhere and at all times because He dominates everything in heaven and on earth.
1 chronicles 29:11
Yours is, O LORD, greatness and power and glory and victory and majesty, verily, all that is in heaven and on earth; yours is dominion, O LORD, and you exalt yourself as sovereign over all.
God pours out his glory in the universe in whom he wants and to whom he has mercy, but we who believe know that even in cloudy times we will see the glory of God and his hand interceding on our behalf, since he is our help and help in tribulation times.