center>The Israelites expressed themselves with gratitude to God in formal dedication ceremonies in which declarations adjusted to the occasion were made because it was something common in the history of Israel since they knew the goodness and mercy of God.
One of them was David the psalmist who wrote hundreds of psalms in gratitude for the goodness, mercy and forgiveness of God in his life since he recognized him as his God in bad and good times in times of sins or moments of repentance.
Psalms 30: 5
Because a moment will be his anger,
But his favor lasts a lifetime.
At night the cry will last,
And in the morning the joy will come....
These statements were made by David according to a time of plagues and the scriptures tell us that the plagues lasted a whole day although this day could have been many days due to God's order but what David did know was that he could cry at night but the day Next would be the joy because God would show his glory and mercy in him and the children of Israel.
David designates the joy of the righteous in this psalm describes the type of jubilation that accompanies a great victory God will rejoice over his beloved people with songs and exclamations of joy because for a moment it will be his anger but his favor and mercy will last a lifetime .
God is immutable, he does not change, so we must put all our trust in him every day of our lives in good or bad times.
In God we have hope, his incomparable grace is with us and although the peoples are downcast our God will never forget his promises he will keep his people in peace in the midst of anger or in the midst of the evil of men.
Note:This is a copy of the original blog posted on, with the intention of spreading the Christian message to all nations.
God takes us to the side of his heart, his mercy lasts forever as well as his favor.