in HeartChurch5 years ago

John 4: 9-10
"... The Samaritan woman said: How do you, being Jewish, ask me to drink, that I am a Samaritan woman? Because Jews and Samaritans do not treat each other.
Jesus answered and said to him: If you knew the gift of God, and who is it that says to you: Give me to drink; you would ask him, and he would give you living water ... "


The Bible does not tell the story of a Samaritan woman who went every day to draw water to the well called Jacob to be able to meet her basic needs but on that way she had an encounter with Jesus who decided to start a conversation with her, a question that surprises her woman because Jesus was a Jew and she was a Samaritan woman and the Jews and Samaritans did not treat each other.

With this encounter Jesus demonstrated to the Samaritan woman and the world that there are no barriers that could prevent man from having a relationship with Him because precisely Jesus Christ came to look for what was lost and to break down all religiosity and prejudice of men who they prevent God's justice from being revealed in this world.

For God there are no barriers or limitations for humanity to reach Him because He seeks repentant hearts to reveal and transform them into a new creature.

It is for this reason that he is revealed to the Samaritan woman when he tells her to drink and she is surprised and says, How do you, being Jewish, ask me to drink, that I am a Samaritan woman? Because Jews and Samaritans did not treat each other.

Jesus came to abolish this great lie since God's plan is for humanity to live in harmony with each other and being the author of life and the savior of the world chose the best response to reach the heart of this woman when he says: "If you knew the gift of God, and who is it that says to you: Give me a drink; you would ask him, and he would give you living water."

For God there are no barriers or limitations for humanity to reach Him because He seeks repentant hearts to reveal and transform them into a new creature.

It is for this reason that he is revealed to the Samaritan woman when he tells her to drink and she is surprised and says, How do you, being Jewish, ask me to drink, that I am a Samaritan woman? Because Jews and Samaritans did not treat each other.

Jesus came to abolish this great lie since God's plan is for humanity to live in harmony with each other and being the author of life and the savior of the world chose the best response to reach the heart of this woman when he says: "If you knew the gift of God, and who is it that says to you: Give me a drink; you would ask him, and he would give you living water."

knowing "the gift of God" is the most important thing that can happen to a mortal because, this woman God reveals to her and she says: Lord, give me that water, so that I am not thirsty, nor come here to take it out.

The Samaritan woman understood that Jesus was talking about a spiritual need that she had to satisfy and obviously in Him was the solution.
Jesus came to take away all oppression and slavery of the person to set him free, that is truly the "gift of God."


Excellent, for God there are no limitations or barriers to give us that true freedom that He came to proclaim and willing to give it to his creation to give us salvation and eternal life.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment