in HeartChurch5 years ago

Jesus became a man like one of us but with the difference that he had no sin to be able to fulfill God's purpose for his life and his example was unique and special on this earth, he performed miracles, cured the sick, healed the paralyzed, etc. in the eyes of men leaving them speechless. However, there is something deeper to analyze and reflect on and it is about the determination that Jesus took to fulfill the work that God had destined for him.

The word of God informs us in the following verse that the Lord Jesus Christ affirmed his face to go to Jerusalem to fulfill the task that his father had entrusted to him and this determination has really left many overwhelmed.

Luke 9: 51-56
Jesus rebukes James and John
51 When the time for him to be received up was fulfilled, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.
(Reina-Valera 1960)

The first to be overwhelmed were his disciples, whom the Lord Jesus Christ had to reprimand countless times and this time he did it again because he reprimanded John and James when their time was up and the time to die on Calvary's cross was approaching. .

In a certain case, the disciples as humans felt fear for their master when they thought what was coming to him now. Think about it, how would you react if you knew that a friend of yours was going to die and he did nothing to prevent it? We would really be overwhelmed by such a decision but the most incredible thing about this case is that the Lord Jesus Christ stood firm and with incredible courage which would cause more confusion in his disciples for trying to understand such a great feat impossible for a human being to bear.

Jesus was clear about everything that was about to happen but he also knew what the end of this sacrifice would be, it would be of victory and glory he had his eyes fixed on the love of his creation and because of that great love he did not mind suffering the injury for the only one possibility of saving us.

Hebrews 12: 2
2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Jesus understood that this suffering had a purpose, that is why he joyfully accepted suffering, his sacrifice now offers us the possibility of salvation.


¡What a determination so great and full of love!

For all this we must thank God for that sacrifice and only for giving us eternal life.

References: UMCD Ministry