in HeartChurch5 years ago

We always know that when we manifest physical pain, it is warning that something is wrong, in our body.The pain apart from being annoying also limits us to lead a normal life in daily tasks.One of the characteristics of pain is that it paralyzes us, and if it is lower back.


The only pain that brings us pleasant memories is that of childbirth, that feeling goes away when we see the result that is our child. The pain is subjective and each person demonstrates it differently.There is a pain that is stronger than everything and it is emotional pain, this pain does not heal easily and that is where we will need the healer par excellence who is Jesus.

Deuteronomy 32:39
See now that I, I am the Lord, and outside of me there is no god. I make die and make live. I hurt and I heal, and there is no one who can free from my hand.

Today Jesus is passing through the world in the midst of sadness, death and loneliness, and is asking you what hurts you?

The Bible tells many stories of people who went through a lot of pain and only God could save and heal them: Job, David, Ruth, Jose.

Where do we find Jesus healing someone's emotions? I assure you that it heals them, and I am going to show you where and how you do it in the Gospels and how you can receive it, because this is what this series is about.

Another prophecy about the Messiah directly states that He will heal the emotions, compares a person who needs emotional healing with a 'broken reed' and, 'the wick (in a lantern) that hardly burns'. Isaiah 42: 3-4 (NIV) says, “He will not finish breaking the broken reed, nor will he quench the wick that barely burns; He will not falter or be discouraged until justice is implanted on earth… ”.

This is a powerful image of a person with emotional wounds. We have all held a young flower or plant and bent the stem, causing a bruise. In appearance, at least for a time, that flower, that leaf, that plant looks normal, but due to the bruise on the stem, it will not be able to receive the fullness of the nutrients intended for it.Jesus' life is a clear example of pain but that pain was worth it, part of a purpose for humanity to experience the greatest show of love.

Jesus came to heal and heal our wounds, turn bad into good in our lives, we must give our hearts to Christ.
