when the crisis hits God will still provide

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Are you afraid ? Jesus can give you the peace you need but first you admit that Jesus is the son of God and you need him he died for you and he wants to give you eternal life open your heart and he will hear you

Find peace and comfort in the words of Jesus as he came to earth for salvation and eternal life
You have to understand that man needs to have communion with God to be able to live quietly and calmly before a world full of chaos and uncertainty

Admit that you need God that in the way you have been living is not correct, God does not like it so discover the ways of God and you will have peace in your heart and above all you will feel peace in the midst of chaos because even in the midst of most titanic storm God is with you

Dear brothers and friends at this time what we need is faith, trust in our God to live, the word of God tells us in Hebrews the following:

Hebrews 11: 6
6 But without faith it is impossible to please God; for it is necessary that he who comes to God believe that there is, and that he is the rewarder of those who seek him.
(King James Version)

Let us be like children let us trust our God as they trust their parents


There are many Christians who are losing faith today because the enemy is winning the Battle even in the Christian people and we need to trust God and his word

Let us remember that the Bible clarifies that the enemy came to steal, kill and destroy, but God came to give us eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Today there are many families who are suffering who are crying because they have sick people and have lost their loved ones but they remain in that faith believing that what God allows is the right thing and today I want to encourage you to keep going so that you do not give up that God has promised to be with us let us approach him confidently and seek his comfort and that in this life we ​​have no more consolation but God