in HeartChurch5 years ago

IMAGE SOURCE: my2ndheartbeat.files.wordpress.com


Hope is very vital in our walk with God; it stands as a very major component of faith. If you are to live by faith, you will have to stay equipped with a hope filled heart. Faith is very substantial, because of the frame work of hope on which it stands. Faith’s hope hinges on God and His Word. In the words of the song writer – “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name”.

Hope is seeing your expected results of the Lord with the eyes of your human spirit, as you trust God to make them real. You are seeing them so clearly and it has filled your heart with joy and true to Scriptures – you are “rejoicing in hope” Romans 12:12a. You are joyful in what you are seeing with the eyes of your spirit. Like the faithful saints of old; though you have not physically received the promise, you have seen them afar off, you are persuaded of them, and have embraced them and you are confessing unto salvation.

IMAGE SOURCE: www.quotemaster.org

Seeing the promise is imagining that you have what God says you have and that you can do what God says you can do. A hope filled heart is a heart that never ceases to imagine the reality of God’s Word. You are seeing yourself with what God says is yours and you are seeing yourself clothed in divine ability, doing what God says you can do. All you see with a hope filled heart is God and His Word. You deliberately refuse to see anything contrary. When your hope is hooked this way on God and His Word; it becomes true for you, that – “The hope of the righteous shall be gladness” Proverbs 10:28. You shall be made glad by the works of the Lord upon Whom you’ve put your hope.

A hope filled heart is a heart filled with patience. We are saved by hope and hope that is seen with the physical eyes is not hope. If we therefore hope for that which we are only seeing with the imaginative eyes of our human spirit and not with our physical eyes; then, we will have to patiently wait for it. With hope clothed with patience; you will obtain. It is clear from God’s Word; that, “hope maketh not ashamed” Romans 5:5. A hope filled heart is a life divinely banished from shame; because, God stands by His Word upon which our hope is centered, to perform it.


For one to be able to walk with God, one needs a hope filled heart. Nice write up @nuella

You are right. Thanks a ton

You welcome.