in HeartChurch5 years ago

IMAGE SOURCE: quotefancy.com


The world is ruled by thoughts because thoughts lead to actions. Scriptures affirm that as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is. Organizations, institutions and nations turn out to be what their leaders have thought of in one way or the other. Everything that happens begins with a seed of thought. Every word that is spoken originates from a thought in the heart. Nobody just talks, even if the person claims to be foolish.

Out of the abundance of the heart, so the mouth speaks. A man walking out of his marriage as a result of a seed of thought he gave in to sometime ago. The day he stepped out is not the day it happened. Seeking for a solution based on the happenings on the day he stepped out of the marriage is fruitless. The thought life of a man is very crucial and it constitutes a determining factor as to the quality of life he lives on earth.

Once the devil is able to overcome any individual in the thought realm, recovery is often time difficult. The devil doesn’t struggle in his eagerness to penetrate into your thought life. He knows he can’t get in without your approval. He simply drops in something which he leaves as a food for thought with which he seeks to get you unduly busy. That was what he did to Eve in the Garden of Eden – “Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” Genesis 3:1.

IMAGE SOURCE: i.pinimg.com

He left it at that waiting to hear from her. The devil is never sure of what you are up to. He wasn’t sure if Eve was going to give him audience or drive him away. Either way, he was ready to submit. When he discovered he had found a prey in Eve; he went out for the kill. The devil would have as well been set on the run, but for the seed of an evil thought the woman gave into.

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out it are the issues of life” Proverbs 4:23. Don’t allow the enemy find an idle mind in you; because, he will hijack it and make it his workshop. Fill your heart with God’s Word. The thought you consider little and inconsequential today, may turn out to be the bedrock of rief and pain in your life tomorrow stay cautious and stay focused.