Those who dwell in the past become too conscious of past mistakes; that, they deny themselves the glory of a bright future ahead of them. While you may have many wonderful things from the past, which of course will help you in the future; the truth remains that your past is your history and your future is your destiny. There is no future behind, it’s ahead of you. Learn to forget the things which are behind, strive to reach forth unto those things which are ahead of you.
Your future is divinely loaded with so much of goodness and you will have to rise to face tomorrow with the resolve that you will get there. Your upbringing might have been so shallow with a lot of regrets; but, the truth remains that it is not really a matter of how it happened; it is a matter of who you are on the inside. The strength you need to withstand any form of opposition from the past, rising against your future; is that which stems from within. It is the resolve you have reached within; that, God does not hold your past against you, and as such, the enemy can’t witch hunt you with it.
The Bible says in Isaiah 43:18 – “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the dessert”. Anytime you choose to keep in focus the “former” things God expects us to lay aside; you are working against a better tomorrow and it is a “coup” against your glorious future. While it is true that there may be some results emanating from the past which seem to cause an acceleration unto greater heights; it is very true that better days are ahead. With God and His Word; no matter how pleasant the past has been, the best is yet to come.
Oftentime you’ll discover; that, nothing stands as an impediment to the glory of a brighter tomorrow, as much as the success you obtained in the past. It is very easy amidst all kinds of success records of the past which you are bringing to bear in the now; to cut yourself off the glory ahead of you. No matter what your experience has been; awesome or awful, pleasant or distasteful, suffice you to know that it is not over until it is over. Don’t seek to retire; rather, refire until you acquire. Don’t give up on your God given dreams; quitters don’t win and winners don’t quit. Faithful is He Who has promised, Who also will do it.
CREDIT: heartchurch international<center<
Our past is a lesson our present is a teacher and our future is an exam. The bible says old are gone away in Christ which means that our past should not be a yardstick for judgements but rather a lesson for everyone.
Thanks for your beautiful write up.