IMAGE SOURCE: www.pray4zion.org
Relating with God to the point of gainful results is far from being a thing of feeling. Many erroneously use diverse indices like the wind, goose flesh and other funny things as monitors for the answers to prayers they have offered unto God. Listen! If it is the God of the Bible you expect your answers from; then, away with how you feel. It is not always a thing of feeling. “The world by wisdom knew not God, but, it pleased God through the foolishness of preaching to save then that believe” 1 Corinthians 1:21.
To some; it is foolishness to stay void without any form of feeling after a session of quaking prayers and intercession. They want to be able to say – “from how I feel, I know God has done it”. The truth however remains that, you may not feel any damn thing, yet the Lord does it. You have to choose what you really want: the feeling or the miracle?
When Jesus told the ten lepers who approached Him for healing to go show themselves to the priests; there was nothing in their bodies to feel as evidence of their being healed. Meanwhile as far as the Master was concerned, they were already healed.
This explains why He had to send them after the priest; because, seeing the priest was to have been done after their cleansing. There was nothing to suggest they were healed neither was there anything in the world to feel about their healing. But as they went in obedience, they suddenly discovered they were healed. Feeling? It doesn’t always work with God, for the just shall live by faith.
When you come before the Lord, learn to stay open to Him. You don’t have to muddle up your path with all manners of expectations. If God chooses to give you any form of feeling in relation with your desired results; fine. If He chooses to simply bring forth your expectation of Him without any form of feeling; all well and good.
You are not after the feeling but after the miracle. You may not see the wind or rain which comes to herald the advent of water; Elisha told Jeroboam and Jehoshaphat: but, ye shall have water. Let your heart focus on God and your eyes on the tangibility of the results.