in HeartChurch5 years ago

IMAGE SOURCE: quotefancy.com


We are admonished by the scriptures not to fear. One reason why you must not fear, is not because there will be nothing to make you fear. The reason why you must not fear is because God’s Word says for you not to fear. Around you are things the enemy has in place to make you fear; but, above is the God Who has promised you a fear free life.

So, it all depends on the direction you choose to look at. If you choose to look around, fear will grip you: the Bible says – “Men’s heart failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are comin on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken” Luke 21:26. If you choose to look up to God; you shall contact strength to carry on. The Psalmist proclaimed – “They looked unto Him, and were lightened and their faces were not ashamed” Psalm 34:5.

As long as your focus is on God and His Word for your life, fear will never be able to lay hold on you. Fear is a spirit and its grip could be very devastating. Fear will make you run when no one is pursuing. The sons of Ephraim in scriptures were seriously armed against the day of battle; but, alas when the time for battle came, they took to their heels. What do you think went wrong? Fear crept in. when you take your eyes off God and His Word, fear waits to grip you. Gripped by the spirit of fear, nothing of faith survives on your path. Fear is a satanic arrester, fashioned against any form of spiritual productivity.

Peter had a smooth walk on the water as he stepped out of the ship to meet the Lord Jesus at His bidding. All of a sudden, he began to sink as he removed his focus from his Master to look around. The Bible says in Matthew 14:30; that, “When he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid” and he began to sink. It was all because of what he chose to see. No matter what the wind turns out to be, God’s eyes are already on the wind. With your heart fixed on the Lord, you shall not o under; because His eyes are on the wind and His eyes watch over you.

CREDIT: heartchurch international<center<


the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom but it is so bad that people respect Man more than God which is not meant to be so. May the lord help us to fear him and obey his words