IMAGE SOURCE: media.swncdn.com
Do you know that you are God’s idea? You did not come here by chance, you are on earth for a divine purpose. There was a divine purpose thought outlined for your formation, there is a divine purpose earmarked for your being. “The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand” Isaiah 14:24.
You didn’t form yourself; so you really don’t have a right over your life. “For none of us liveth unto himself and no man dieth unto himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord: whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end; Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that He might be Lord of both of the dead and living” Romans 14:7-9.
Whatever God forms for Himself is what no power or personality can spoil. God will not let anyone mess Him up or rubbish the work of His hands. God is not God for the fun of it; He is mighty in power and indeed. He is not the Head of all principality and power for nothing. As Head; His formations stand to be respected, there is no power that can contest or spoil whatever He does.
You are God’s idea, you cannot be spoiled. Anyone rising against you is actually rising against the God Who has formed you. That is why God has bound Himself by His Word to go against anyone that contends with you. It’s not just you, but His idea that is being attacked. The enemies of your wellbeing are the enemies of His idea. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
It is not enough to bask in His ability to sustain and uphold you; it is only necessary for us to seek to live up to the purpose for which He formed us. Isaiah 43:21b remarks – “They shall show forth my praise”.
How much of God’s praise is being shown by your life? Do men behold your manner and style of living and thank God for you? Is the love and goodness of God exuding from your life to bless humanity; such that, all will in turn around to give God glory for your divine formation?