Genesis 6:18 "Pero contigo estableceré mi alianza, y en el arca entraran tus hijos, tu esposa, tus nueras y tu".
A good ally is like having a good partner, something greater is having an alliance with God, especially when times are difficult and you know that from God you can receive real help. That support ranges from inner peace, the trust of your care and support, the hope for a better future, and family and financial stability.
Just as a covenant with God is great, it is a great blessing to develop a "Family Covenant"; For this, the awareness that marriage is a covenant is the initial step, the covenants should be unbreakable just like those that God has made with humanity.
No existe matrimonio que no tenga problemas que resolver, pero se puede trabajar para llegar a un acuerdo, un buen trato comunicacional ayuda a lograrlo. La compañía de una buena pareja es un lazo que luego entreteje relaciones con los hijos y que se cultiva diariamente con sabias palabras llenas de amabilidad, desafortunadamente no todas las familias desarrollan una unión que les favorezca a todos, pero en el texto inicial Dios señalo a cada integrante de la familia pues para El, cada miembro cuenta y lo ve como parte única e importante en el sistema familiar.
There is no marriage that does not have problems to solve, but you can work to reach an agreement, a good communicational treatment helps to achieve it. The company of a good partner is a bond that then weaves relationships with the children and that is cultivated daily with wise words full of kindness, unfortunately not all families develop a union that favors everyone, but in the initial text God pointed out to Each member of the family because for Him, each member counts and sees it as a unique and important part of the family system.
Each daily action strengthens or breaks the alliances, hence it is wise to work diligently so that the alliance lasts, in order to benefit all the members and we will feel the happiness of having given the best and of maintaining the family's sacred treasure. .
Son muy alentadoras y dignificantes las palabras que haz expresado estimada @perdunodanny16. Dios te bendiga abundantemente.
Gracias Felix, ha sido un linda esxperiencia, siempre agradecida contigo
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