I love to love ... love God and feel him inside, and I would not change for anything, love those who are with me every day: my family. Hearing a love you, feeling a hug, kissing them ... is a rich experience. But I must confess that I was inspired by God when he made his statement the moment Jesus appeared in public light. The event was held on the famous Jordan River, on the occasion of his baptism.

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El gran Profeta Juan el Bautista, quien al verlo le identifico, no pudo mas que obedecer al llamdo del Señor y lo bautizo.El cielo se abrió para hablar como lo dijo el Apóstol en Mateo 3:17"Y hubo una voz de los cielos, que decía: Este es mi Hijo amado, en quien tengo complacencia".
The great Prophet John the Baptist, who when seeing him identified him, could only obey the call of the Lord and baptized him. Heaven opened to speak as the Apostle said in Matthew 3:17"And there was a voice from heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
Esta escritura llama la atención, cuando observamos que el Padre celestial no dijo en esa oportunidad:"Este es el Salvador o este es el Gran Profeta," aunque lo es, su primera declaración en la aparición publica de Jesús plasmada en los evangelio y destacada fue:"Este es Mi Hijo Amado". La relación afectiva que el El Padre Celestial demostró hacia su hijo Jesús es el modelo para la familia de hoy.
This scripture draws attention, when we observe that the heavenly Father did not say on that occasion: "This is the Savior or this is the Great Prophet," although it is, his first statement in the public appearance of Jesus reflected in the gospels and highlighted it was: "This is My Beloved Son." The affective relationship that the Heavenly Father demonstrated towards his son Jesus is the model for today's family.
Para la gran mayoría de las figuras parentales los hijos son los regalos mas amados, pero se que no todos ellos reciben una expresión como la del padre celestial: "Tu eres mi hijo amado", tal vez porque tampoco nos educaron al respecto, pero los hijos necesitan a diario escuchar de ese amor que se les tiene y en los años dorados los padres esperamos cosechar un amor demostrado.
For the vast majority of parental figures, children are the most beloved gifts, but I know that not all of them receive an expression like that of the heavenly father: "You are my beloved son", perhaps because we were not educated about it either, but the Children need to hear about this love for them every day, and in the golden years we parents hope to reap a demonstrated love.
Con cariño,
tu amiga,