"Y el Dios de esperanza os llene de todo gozo y paz en el creer, para que abundéis en esperanza por el poder del Espíritu Santo" Rom. 15:13

La vida cristiana es mas favorable en tiempos difíciles por las virtudes que mantiene. En el verso mencionado se repite dos veces una misma palabra: Esperanza: la primera califica a Dios, "Dios de esperanza"; la segunda es un exhorto a los cristianos a mantener la esperanza que esta referida a la vida eterna por medio del poder santificador y consolador del Espíritu Santo, pero que hoy podemos darle una aplicación al momento difícil que enfrenta la humanidad. Dios sigue en su trono y gobierna las naciones, hacemos bien en mantener esperanza en la confianza de su Poder.
The Christian life is more favorable in difficult times because of the virtues it maintains. In the mentioned verse, the same word is repeated twice: Hope: the first qualifies God, "God of hope"; the second is an exhortation to Christians to maintain the hope that is referred to eternal life through sanctifying power and comforter of the Holy Spirit, but that today we can give an application to the difficult time facing humanity. God remains on his throne and rules the nations, we do well to hope in the confidence of his Power.
EL Espíritu Santo en nuestras vidas hace la diferencia. El es esa persona que en lugar de Jesús esta para acompañarnos como el Maestro lo haría. Jesús dijo a sus discípulos que su Espíritu estaría con nosotros para guiarnos, enseñarnos y recordarnos sus palabras. Lo llamo el Consolador, y eso hace el en este tiempo en nosotros: nos consuela.
The Holy Spirit in our lives makes a difference. He is that person who is in the place of Jesus to accompany us as the Master would. Jesus told his disciples that his Spirit would be with us to guide us, teach us, and remind us of his words. I call him the Comforter, and that is what in this time does in us: he consoles us.

It is the Holy Spirit who in difficult times that we live operates powerfully in Christians so that above the circumstances we are filled with joy and peace. Peace by believing that as children of God he is attentive to our needs and knows our anguish; that trust quiets the mistress. Joy is a virtue that is only found in intimate communion with Him and that is enduring because of His presence. By believing that He is with us we can be filled with joy and peace.
Que abunde en ti hoy y siempre la Esperanza, la Paz y el Gozo.
May Hope, Peace and Joy abound in you today and always.
Con amor,