in HeartChurch5 years ago


You can't make a spiritual mistake until you fail to have spiritual knowledge. The operation of spiritual actions is the function of scriptural knowledge you have. No spiritual actions is justified independent of the working knowledge of Scriptures.

If you don't find the picture, then you can't arrived at your future. You don't know God by experience and feelings. Anything outside the truth of scriptural knowledge remains a lie. You need the knowledge of the scripture for you to live a life devoid of spiritual error. A clear picture of who you are doesn't need an explanation when you know scriptural truth about your person.

The freedom of your spiritual life in Christ can be lived base on the level of scriptural truth you have. John 8:32 says

then You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.

Life is an adventure but it functions in responsibility. Freedom is enjoyed only when knowledge of the truth is available. The more truth of the scripture you know, the more evidence, victories and supplies you have. You cannot know the scripture and die in confusion.

The worst thing that can happened to a believer, is to know everything and yet you don't know the scripture written concerning you. Destiny is not fulfilled in the platform of asking people about you, but it can only get fulfilled by searching the Scriptures. It's a tragedy to live a day without a scripture in your spirit man. If you live without a scripture, you will rupture without a future.

Your error in life can only be corrected with adequate knowledge from the scripture. Jesus looked at the Jews and said to them you do err because you do not know the scripture. How do you know the scripture? You study to know and not just to read. This is because the Bible said study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the words of truth.

The secret you don't enjoy, is the scripture you don't understand.

Matthew 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God

Don't make that spiritual mistake