IMAGE SOURCE: images.mistable.com
Your delight is what you allow to take your heart. There are so many things parading themselves before us seeking to catch our gaze, seeking to entrap your heart. In it all, you stand as the guard to your heart’s door to determine what you allow in. There is nothing that can force itself on you as a child of God, without your passive or active approval. It is part of the redemptive rights and privileges we enjoy from God. When the devil came against mankind in the garden of Eden, he did not come forcing the forbidden fruit down Eve’s throat. As “devilish” as he was, he knew it was a forbidden thing to do. All he did was to parade the fruit before Eve and sought to catch her gaze.
IMAGE SOURCE: 1.bp.blogspot.com
The Bible says that ‘when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat” Genesis 3:6. The fruit caught her gaze and it soon became the delight of her heart. What your heart don’t see; your heart cannot attract. Be very careful what you allow your eyes to see: so much has to do with the things we allow for our eyes. Eve allowed for herself what God disallowed for her. She saw good in what God pronounced as forbidden. You cant go wrong when you align yourself with God’s divine allowances for your life; but, trouble looms when you allow for yourself what God disallows for you.
Your delight becomes the light to guide or the deceit that ensnares. Its up to you what you allow your heart to dwell on. When you find the deceitfulness of sin appetizing, you will be crushed, because sin is a killer any day; it does not offer lasting pleasure. When like Paul in our Scripture text, you allow your heart to be captivated by the Word of God and the word of God becomes your delight; you will be made to lie in glorious pastures which God’s Word guarantees. Guard your heart with all diligence and make His Word your daily delight and you will know true peace.