in HeartChurch3 years ago


Scripture said that Samuel told Saul that you will see a company of prophets and you will prophesy with them then you will become another man.

This implies that until he prophesied he remained the same. That is to say that his change was tied to the prophetic.

We can change the trajectory and pattern of events around us if we understand the Prophetic.....

There is a mass production of sons who can flow powerfully in the Prophetic with so much accuracy, precision and results afterwards.

The prophetic is not limited to the clergy alone but to all sons who by virtue of new birth and the outpouring of the spirit (as prophesied by Joel) are aligned to the very will of God and so pick the very frequencies of the Omnipresent in the spirit.

Prophecy is declaring God's word over a situation, nation, person, organization, and/or event.

There are two basic dimensions of the prophetic

  1. Foretelling : in simple terms YOU SEE FIRST THEN SAY. Here you need mastery to interpret signals from the spirit. Signals may come by visions, revelation, dreams, inner voice, clear voice, perception depending on your trajectory of communication with God which is built with time committing yourself to the demands of the Spirit in discipline.

  2. Forth- telling : in simple terms, YOU SAY THEN YOU SEE. Elijah will always say by my word, most of his declarations were not direct commands from God but his words that were in alignment with the will of God.

There is a dimension in the prophetic where you speak what you wish to say and so far it's in agreement with God's will then performance is inevitable. This is available for all sons by virtue of the outpouring of the spirit but then only few step into this in reality by faith despite the availability.

And as you say it , you see it....
The result is that you will be changed into another man.....