Human beings were created to praise God for that reason when we do not, our lives suffer because of a void that the man to whom God has not been revealed because of his pride cannot understand why his life is empty even if they have "everything".
Many "famous" inclusive people have never been able to understand why they feel empty when they are applauded by the world and they have it in abundance. The only reason is because how they were created to worship God and they do not do that emptiness continues there waiting for the moment to be fully filled.
It is wonderful when we can understand that we were born to worship but if we do it with others and not with God there is a negative effect on our soul.
The prophet Isaiah experienced the joy of the Lord in his life and could fill his soul because in his mouth there was always a song of praise for God.
Isaiah 25
Song of praise to the Lord
25 Lord, you are my God;
I will exalt you and praise your name
Because you have done wonders.
Since ancient times
Your plans are faithful and safe.
New International Version (NIV).
Honoring God in our hearts and praising him with our mouth opens the heavens since praise produces powerful benefits, because actually practicing it in our daily life produces faith and hope as well as liberation.
There is no reason to stop praising or worshiping God even if we are in the worst moments of our lives in our mouth or in our hearts there should always be a praise to our God.
There is power in praise and we can also praise God with our faith and obedience since praise leads us to recognize God's supremacy his power and sovereignty.
The psalmist David also taught us the proper way to worship God in difficult times or in times of trials or difficulties. We can read the words of David in Psalm 103
Psalm 103
Bless my soul to Jehovah,
And bless all my being his holy name.
2 Bless, my soul, Jehovah,
And don't forget any of its benefits.
3 He is the one who forgives all your iniquities,
He who heals all your ailments;
4 He who rescues your life from the pit,
He who crowns you with favors and mercies;
5 He who satisfies your mouth well
So that you rejuvenate yourself like the eagle.
Worshiping God is a condition present in our soul that guides us to obtain great blessings and above all leads us to experience true peace.
Sister @ricci01, excellent publication. God bless you abundantly.
blessings beloved, it is good to invoke the name of God and live a life of complete worshiper