God gave me a name

in HeartChurch5 years ago

God is a wonderful doer of wonders, he is our creator and he has wonderful plans for his people. Some wonder if God is love and good why we go through so many calamities because really man always looks for a way to justify his actions without recognizing that God is good but he is also just

God does new things every day and really the men and women who decided to take a step of faith and walk hand in hand with God see day by day the mercies of God in everything they do
people who decide to live their own way will hardly be able to see these wonders

God has done something nice in me in you, God has taken us out of anonymity, he has taken us out, of the cannot take us out of the me he has not taken us out of the darkness of our own way he has taken us out of the bending he opened the heavens he put grace in me and you and it has given us a new name and put joy in my heart.


Psalm 139: 13-16
13 Because you formed my insides; You made me in my mother's bosom. 14 I will praise you, because I have been amazingly and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, and my soul knows it very well. 15 My body was not hidden from you, when I was secretly formed and interwoven in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my embryo, and in your book they were written every day that was given to me, when not a single one of them existed.

David recognized the greatness of God through this beautiful psalm
God formed us in the womb of our mother as a formidable work without missing anything he made us perfectly without mistake and he knows each one of our body knows our thoughts and what is in our heart

God also spoke to Jeremiah saying:

Jeremias 1: 5
Before I formed you in the womb, I met you,

There is no doubt that we have a wonderfully amazing and formidable maker who yearns to be our priority in everything.
God longs to change man along the way because man has deviated from the true purpose of God and has fallen in the lowest but God longs to give us a new name so that we walk in his grace and truth

To Isaiah God says the following:

Isaiah 43
"O Israel: Do not fear, because I redeemed you; I gave you a name, you are mine."

God calls us to give us a new life when he says that he gives us a new name is because by his grace he changes us and makes us change the wrong direction where we have been traveling to give us a new time a new life in Jesus Christ, Savior and Redeemer of ours