Matthew 7: 24-25
24 Anyone, therefore, who hears these words of mine, and does them, I will compare him to a wise man, who built his house on the rock.
25 Rain came down, and rivers came, and winds blew, and beat against that house; and it did not fall, because it was founded on the rock.
King James Version (RVR1960)
The men and women who walk in the direction of God are always prudent men and women who have firmness in whom they have believed, and despite storms they always live with hope, because the times lived and everything we have to face day by day is not easy. day to lead feed care and preserve our families.
However we have a hope that goes beyond the various problems or storms that we may experience and it is the immense love of God in our lives making it permanent in the hearts of our children so that they can grow in a world full of chaos with firm identity integrity in obedience to God and can glide with prudence before the life before the difficulties.
The winds may blow and they want to hit your house! But if it is founded on the rock that is Christ and we have obedience in his commands, no storm or crisis will be able to move the stability of your home because really the fear of God is the that floods our lives totally transforms us and helps us to be obedient and prudent and our way of life gains meaning and hope in raising our children
These words are really promises that we see her fulfill in our lives when we believe God and obey him administering what he has given us by gift to administer it also to our children.
To be wise to be prudent is to seek God to keep his word is to fear to live a life founded on christ and strengthen ourselves in the most critical moments
With Christ as our foundation, we will surely smile at the storm
Christ the solid rock