Man cannot understand the essence of the All Perfect God. However, God through revelation and in the spiritual experience of the Church reveals his attributes. This knowledge is sufficient to honor God and salvation.
God is the Spirit (John 4:24). It is the purest, highest, and most perfect Spirit. It is foreign to any physicality. There are places in the Bible where human traits are applied symbolically to God, but this is just a figurative poetic language to convey the main idea more clearly and clearly. All other beings have a beginning and receive their being from God. They all have more or less imperfection.
It is eternal. God has always been and always will be. God is eternal. It is difficult for a person to imagine, because a person lives in time. As indicated in one of the Psalms books of the Bible: Before the mountains were born, and You formed the earth and the universe, and from age to century you are God (Ps 89, 3).
He is unlimited He exists outside of space and is free from all restrictions. Saint John of Damascus writes about it this way: "God is infinite and incomprehensible, and one thing is understandable in Him: his infinity and incomprehensibility."
All good God is love (1 John 4:16). These words of the apostle contain the main meaning of the gospel as the good news of salvation. One cannot understand the fullness of divine love. The indescribable goodness of God created the world. The Lord placed man in paradise. Even after the fall, God continued to love the human race. The greatness of divine love was manifested in the fact that the incarnate God died a painful death for us. For many unbelievers, the stumbling block is bad in the world. However, God did not do evil. It grew out of the abuse of freedom that the Creator gave to His creations: angels and man. God does not take away free will, and therefore people continue to do evil. But the time will come when all evil will be defeated and destroyed.
Omniscient and wise. The apostle says: There is no creature hidden from Him, but everything is naked and open before His eyes (Hebrews 4:13). This means that God knows not only all of our actions and words, but also all of our thoughts and feelings. Everything enters into the infinite memory of God and will be revealed in the Judgment.
God not only knows all the past, He knows everything that exists, but He has a perfect knowledge of the future. The mirror of the highest wisdom of God is the Universe that He created, which surprises man with extraordinary complexity, beauty and harmony. God reveals the ineffable Wisdom also in the economy of our salvation.
Almighty God can fulfill in the world everything He wants. Scripture contains numerous indications of divine omnipotence. The righteous Job speaks of this in the Old Testament, turning to the Lord: I know that you can do everything, and that your intention cannot be stopped (Job 42, 2).
In our spiritual life, it is important to constantly remember the omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipotence of God. This fills us with hope. By giving prayers to God, we know that He hears all of our prayers and prayers. For his love, he accepts all our requests, which are for our good. Then, I will fulfill them, having omnipotence.
Omnipresent. Since God is unlimited and unlimited, He fills the whole world with Him. This causes the psalmist's reverential surprise: Will I ascend to heaven? You are there; Shall I go to hell? And there you are. I will take the wings of dawn and move to the edge of the sea, and there Your hand will guide me, and Your right hand will hold me (Psalm 138, 8-10).
The thought of the omnipresence of God encourages the believer to never relax spiritually and constantly maintain the fear of God.
All just this attribute of God is manifested mainly in his absolute holiness. The light of divine holiness is a brilliant source for all who live by His commandments and seek to please Him. The Church honors people who worked in works to live according to God's will as saints.