in HeartChurch4 years ago


"Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from Man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the Man". (Genesis 2:22)

There are two lessons I want to share with you from this verse.

The first is that God took a rib out of Adam to make into another human being. He took just a rib. God didn’t take out too much; just a little to make something whole and awesome. Many times when God is making something for us, He uses things that seem small and insignificant to make them. He doesn’t need much to do a lot.

God can use the minor to produce the major. Don’t ever look at the little you place in God’s hands and underestimate what He can do with it. Although the seed you place in His hand may be small, the fruit He will allow it to bear can be massive.

If God can take something as little as a rib to make a whole human being, may He take your whole life and make something great out of it.

The second thing to note is the place from where God took the part He would use to make the woman. Remember, Adam’s need is for a ‘helper comparable to him’; one who is equal to him but different. What God created had to be equal in being and value, though different in appearance and role. So the idea of equality of being is essential in where God took the part from Adam.

“She was not made out of his head to surpass him, nor from his feet to be trampled on, but from his side to be equal to him, and near his heart to be dear to him.” God took what He would need to make the helper from a place that showed equality and closeness.

Our world has seen so much abuse of women. Sadly, some of the abuse has been based on a misinterpretation of the scriptures. But right here in the first principles of God, we see a helper comparable to man. Not made by the man but created by God.

For every male who is imprisoned in a culture that devalues women, may the Lord deliver you from your prison. For every female, not sure of her value in life, may the Lord open your heart and eyes to the excellent care He took in making you.

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