Welcome to the HeartChurch Venezuela Blog
Happy day to all our brothers and friends from HeartChurch, today we share some images of the Dining Room in the Community of Naricual located in Barcelona, Anzoátegui State - Venezuela.
This time we helped the "Work for God" foundation in the task, who with much love and dedication took their time to serve the children and adults who were left unattended by the floods in this area.
The preparations were made in conjunction with the organized community supported by HeartCHurch and the "Work for God" foundation.
We are still active from Venezuela working for children and people in need of our country, every day more people join to support the initiative and work together, hand in hand as brothers.
Long live the children, long live Peace.
The funds raised are exclusively for the Bread From Heaven project, and mini poultry farms.
If you want to participate in Bread From Heaven, you can get in touch through our telegram channel.
We invite you to know the new project of the Heart Farmscommunity, you can now auction your land to build the farm, a virtual system that will become a blessing for the whole family, using the Heart token.

Bendiciones y Felicitaciones. siempre es una excelente labor cristiana proveer alimento a los mas necesitados, principalmente a los niños. Permite que el escuchar el mensaje del evangelio se oiga con mayor gusto, tanto por los pequeños, como por sus padres inconversos.