in HeartChurch • 2 years ago

Advice regarding seeking a godly spouse

  1. Make sure you are healed from ALL past trauma in relationships
    A spouse won't complete you and traumas tend to blind you to red flags in another person

  2. Your relationship with the Lord must be number one to you. Idols cloud your spiritual judgment greatly and you won't hear His voice properly to distance from an unhealthy man/woman

  3. Become a virtuous man or woman of God.
    You desire a true son or daughter of the King?
    Make sure you are worthy of one yourself !
    Are you going to bless THEIR life ?

If you're still with me and doing well...



  1. Trust God...
    His timing is perfect. Be so wrapped up in God Himself that a spouse becomes a DESIRE not a NEED. It's a huge difference!
    You're most ready for a spouse when you don't need a spouse to complete you.

  2. Look to God every single step as you entertain carefully selected godly men or women to inquire about.
    Pray pray pray regarding them .
    Your emotions may lie to you.
    Don't idealize someone too fast because you see good qualities in them. You need to get to know them DEEPLY AND THOROUGHLY at the core BEFORE marriage, not during marriage.



  1. Look for signs from God and confirmations.
    I received dreams , visions, and even a miracle regarding God's will for me.
    There was no "maybe" this is God's will. We knew.



God bless you abundantly in Christ!!