Affect your world positively

in HeartChurch5 years ago

God is watching on His throne after laying down all He needs to do in this world. He is God of programmer, God of time and God of progress step by step. All written prophetically in the book of Isaiah 2:1-3.


Affecting your world positively means impacting your with the investment of your personality. Standing out among your peers, being absolutely unique, a contributor and not a dictator or a destruction, a distributor and not a beggar. The Bible made us understand we are the salt of the earth which means we are meant to add sweetness to the entire world and not become a developer of shame.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven - Matthew 5:13-16

As the light of the world, we need to learn to show men to the way of light (gospel and salvation) without which no man will be able to see the kingdom of God.

Let's look at the inspirational world away from the Bible where many are currently having their believe plugged. Life is a circle, every good deeds you do at some point in the circle will always wait for you and same goes to the bad you do. It is better you do good because you will always reap it in the nearest future.