Be not afraid

in HeartChurch5 years ago (edited)

When you are faced with any kind of challenge, know and believe that it is always darkest before dawn, so do not give in to Satan and his gimmicks. The most important is to read and digest the word of God because that's where all answer lies. By the time God answered Hezekiah's prayer, the first thing was "do not be afraid" (Isaiah 37:6).


One of the tools of the devil is fear and giving in to fear kills your faith. It is only the word of God that can resurrect a dead faith. This is why it is important to study to show yourself approved a workman needing no tools rightly dividing the word of truth.

In the days of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, the Bible recorded how firm they were in response to the king. They were prepared to die even if God didn't come to their rescue. This is exactly the way God wants us to respond to the situation and problem around us. The temptation will always come but count it all joy when you face a diverse temptation because you are an overcomer.