Start a chain of love today

in HeartChurch5 years ago

Lucifer was made to be an excellent personality, unique in nature, different from all the unique angel that ever existed in heaven until iniquity was found in him. He was possed by power, he wanted it all to himself to become the most powerful being second to none in place of God of everything, the highest God who created him. He has the most wonderful beauty in all the face of the earth. He was regarded as the most fearful and beautiful creation meant to worship God.

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Some of us today are like this, we are never contented. We want everything all to ourselves, the richest person on earth is our goal. Yes! There is nothing wrong aspiring to become the only wealthiest person on earth. **I always tell my followers one thing! Being wealthy is not because you are rich in cash or properties but the number of people you have successfully impacted and enriched or change their life for the better. **

Have you invested in people? How many? Because this is what makes you rich or wealthy.

Meekness, patience is all that is required of us to reach the world as God wants us to do. We need to make reaching others a priority because even Jesus reach out to you while you still deep in the world. Reach out to someone today!


Start a chain that will forever be remembered. Do good and in return tell others to do good for everyone they can and they too do same. Before long we will reach the entire world with help and aid. I am with you even unto the end of the world.

Thank you for reading.


Blessings.Hi dear @stevenmosoes. Thank you for the encouragement.

Thank you @hope777 for the support. Blessings