Thank you so much for your reply! I'll be doing much more posts on pre-trib and why I believe in a pre-trib but I love new insights and people who are willing to look at this without arguing. I don't believe that this is something that affects our salvation and therefore it's great to have someone with a different opinion. 2 Tim 2:15 ~ Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
I am currently doing a study on the book of Revelation. I've been working on this for months. I'll start posting on this shorty. I hope you'll look at those studies too and if you have any studies for me to take a look at, that will be great!
Do you believe in different dispensation throughout the bible?
I sincerely hope that my reply does not offend you. Replying to your reply below:
(John 15:19 - If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Also read John 17:14. We are not of this world. I agree that in this life there will be tribulation, but not all scripture using the word tribulation refers to "The Tribulation" / Jacob's trouble)
The only thing that offends me if someone insults God, so fire away. :) Resurrection timing isn't that important as long as you understand that salvation comes from believing, not works. Everything else we can talk about. As the matter of fact, I believe that Bible was written on purpose vague enough. Not a "text book" style, where everything is cut and dry. It has to be a choice. You have to choose to believe or not to believe. It goes back to original intent: why did God made us in the first place? To my understanding, He made us for Him to have a companionship. But He din't want robots, that's why he gave us a free will, so we choose to be with Him.
I doubt that you can change my mind about tribulation timing, but I don't have a problem talking about it. I would definitely will not cut our conversation because of difference of opinion, like it was done many times to me. :)
I heavily agree with Kent Hovind and Steven Anderson, not everything, but most. Chew meat and spit-out the bones, like Hovind says...
I love Dr Kent Hovind, also don't agree with everything but a great teacher none the less! I won't try to change your mind. I do however, hope that you'll read through all my postings about Rapture (at least 13 to follow) to understand how I came to believe in a pre-trib rapture. I'm looking forward to your input!
It's a deal!