Do you want to be exalted?
The ABC of being exalted is humility
Promotion is not fro0 your family
nor from where you come from
He was made in the form of man
He was conceived by a woman
He became hungry and tasty
The word became flesh
The word turned to human
The word accepted to wear flesh
The Spirit accepted the form of man
What should we do to be like Him?
Our life should be a testimony
When you make your life as seem as perfect
You would not win that soul for Christ
We must come to the understanding that
Without Christ
It is not possible to be humble
and our exalting or uplifting is in Christ
For God had highly exalted him
And gave him a name above all
Thank you for always engaging my post.
I am @voclab
I like the love bird sing melodic tunes to your ear
Just take a line at a time:
and thank God when you're fine