I am alive challenge : The Journey begins here.

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Good morning beloved brethren,
A super blessed morning dew to y'all chosen family on the blockchain.
Today happens to be my first day of subscribing to this challenge. I'm rather surprised that though I have blogging christian contents on my wall. I never noticed this challenge which to me I guess it's really ideal to all members to take up the challenge.

Know why?

Participating in the challenge would offer us the opportunity to tell the whole world that we are among the living. It's also a very good means of drawing us back to the need to be grateful to our maker for his benevolence to be called a living soul.


I wanna take out time to appreciate God the creator of everything seen and unseen and the owner of my life for giving me and my family life and doing amazing things beyond comprehension for my family and I.
I won't fail to thank Him also for making you, yes, I mean you to see a new day like this. How would my post be relevant if there is no one to read it? For this course and more will I sing about the goodness of the Lord and I will shout it for the world to hear.




I would as an endnote encourage you all to join in this challenge and let the world know that you are grateful each and every blessed day. Being alive is a grater miracle that is worth testifying or don't you think so?

As for me, I will let the whole word know that I am alive and I can't be ungrateful to my maker for making me see a new day🙌

I'm sure to see you tomorrow God willing.
Thanks so much for reading my #IAMALIVECHALLENGETESTIMONY... I remain your brother from another mother @voclab



Great to see you alive and well @voclab, and thanks a lot for sharing your gratitude for being alive, very welcome to the #IAmAliveChallenge, stay safe, awesome and alive.

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