in HeartChurch4 years ago

<center>How many of us have been offended by someone or how many people have sinned against us? I think it has happened to all of us, but how many of you or we have sinned or offended a person? How many of you who have offended someone have done so inadvertently? But how many of you accept that those who offend us have done so without wanting to.

Forgiving and giving forgiveness is one of the most important things in life and it has revealed the spirituality and quality of people we can be. Forgiving is an act of love. Let us learn from our Father to forgive our debts and our weaknesses.

Examining our heart and taking care of it is also an act of love granted by the father, do not allow your heart to be contaminated do not allow this time to produce cooling in your heart since the Bible declares that for this time love is due to the evil of many it will cool down



Let us allow the love of God to be in our hearts let us make sure that it is God who governs our thoughts and our will so that we can keep our hearts subject to his will and his word and we can take care of them from the onslaught of life.

The heart must be cared for as life is cared for. The heart must be reviewed and reflected on what is in it, the heart must be protected against present adversities and that it is up to us to live too.

>>Proverbs 4:23

23 Above all things guarded, guard your heart;

Because life flows from him.


Just as there are many diseases that can affect the physical heart, there are also many ailments that affect the heart in a spiritual way, for example, heartbreak, disappointments, wounds received, tribulations and burdens that life presents us, can be an essential factor in making our heart sick. which can affect growth and development as a Christian

There are things that we have to begin to master with the help of God to keep our hearts healthy as well as: Avoid anger, pride, rage, impatience, fear and temptation ...

These things can be found in

>> Philippians 4: 8

"For the rest, brothers, all that is true, all that is honest, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is kind, all that is of good name; if there is any virtue, if anything worthy of praise, in this think "

Certainly if we keep God's will and put these things into practice we can surely keep our hearts</center><center>How many of us have been offended by someone or how many people have sinned against us? I think it has happened to all of us, but how many of you or we have sinned or offended a person? How many of you who have offended someone have done so inadvertently? But how many of you accept that those who offend us have done so without wanting to.

Forgiving and giving forgiveness is one of the most important things in life and it has revealed the spirituality and quality of people we can be. Forgiving is an act of love. Let us learn from our Father to forgive our debts and our weaknesses.

Examining our heart and taking care of it is also an act of love granted by the father, do not allow your heart to be contaminated do not allow this time to produce cooling in your heart since the Bible declares that for this time love is due to the evil of many it will cool down



Let us allow the love of God to be in our hearts let us make sure that it is God who governs our thoughts and our will so that we can keep our hearts subject to his will and his word and we can take care of them from the onslaught of life.

The heart must be cared for as life is cared for. The heart must be reviewed and reflected on what is in it, the heart must be protected against present adversities and that it is up to us to live too.

>>Proverbs 4:23

23 Above all things guarded, guard your heart;

Because life flows from him.


Just as there are many diseases that can affect the physical heart, there are also many ailments that affect the heart in a spiritual way, for example, heartbreak, disappointments, wounds received, tribulations and burdens that life presents us, can be an essential factor in making our heart sick. which can affect growth and development as a Christian

There are things that we have to begin to master with the help of God to keep our hearts healthy as well as: Avoid anger, pride, rage, impatience, fear and temptation ...

These things can be found in

>> Philippians 4: 8

"For the rest, brothers, all that is true, all that is honest, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is kind, all that is of good name; if there is any virtue, if anything worthy of praise, in this think "

Certainly if we keep God's will and put these things into practice we can surely keep our hearts</center>